Ways of holding a good minutes to a meeting
There are many ways which we can hold a good minutes to a meeting. If you are having a good minutes meeting the respond you get will be very good and people will had highly respect in you. If holing a bad minutes meeting you will not only see the same old few faces, you will also received or get all kinds of excuses for not able to turn up.
Holding a minutes to a meeting first a Agenda has to be prepare and distributed at less three to four days or a week in advance. Date, time and venue should be stated very cleary in the agenda. If there is a very important things to be discussed always highlight it in the agenda and a giving prefrence during discussion.
Start the meeting on time even if you notice that many people haven turns ups yet and always ends the meeting on time unless there is an urgent things to discussed or settled. Never go back on the agenda if there is a late comer. Let them particated in the meeting and thanks them after thery finish. Make sure that the minutes to a meeting is not out from your agenda.
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